Health & Safety Policy

A Company, and ultimately its success, is based above all else on the quality and well-being of its employees, clients, and communities. CMS is committed to providing and ensuring a safe work environment at all projects. CMS recognizes that a safe and healthy working environment is the most important priority. Safety systems are developed and implemented for projects ensuring all Health and Safety protocols are followed /documented. Industry sectors that we deliver safe and environmentally friendly service include commercial, industrial, private, petroleum, and energy/resource sectors. All management, employees, and contractors are responsible for adhering to the ‘Classic Maintenance Services ‘Safety and Operating Policy’. This ensures that employees, clients, property, the environment, and the public are protected. Our safety management program goals are designed to maintain and promote the ‘guideline principles for worker safety in the janitorial and maintenance industry.

All employees will participate in identifying safety needs and developing safe work procedures. Management is responsible for incorporating all applicable legislation into the safety program and complying with it. Supervisors (or specifically appointed employees) are responsible for prioritizing safety needs, providing training, supplying or wearing safety or personal equipment, investigating hazardous conditions and accidents, and keeping records. All employees and contractors on worksites are responsible for obeying all safety rules, following recommended work practices, utilizing personal protective equipment (PPE), participating in in-house safety training programs, and informing supervisors and fellow workers of unsafe work conditions. We all share the benefits of a healthy and safe workplace. We invite all employers and clients to participate fully in the success of this Health & Safety Policy.

Classic Maintenance Services Classic Maintenance Services